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4024354216/02/2024 22:59:03
I used to spirited not the present from the Beit Hanoun and when nether regions fell from elysium I was luckier than the people who lived there.
My repute is غيث‎., I am a displaced person and I am raising money to help.
Want if you can send a dollar saved to a Bitcoin billfold, do so. I liking check out to send funds for humanitarian backing to the victims in the Gaza Strip.

Bitcoin(BTC): bc1q4x8s3uw6gq67sakst5ngqcznznvwmzv8p6ktpr
Ethereum (ETH): 0xD236413ee5E9c1DBDdE2012595d4A3C38418C3bf

If you can't send funds, entertain don't cancel this despatch or send it to SPAM. Please flippant it to those who can send at least 1 dollar.

شوقي‎ .
. .

Bitcoin(BTC): bc1q4x8s3uw6gq67sakst5ngqcznznvwmzv8p6ktpr
Ethereum (ETH): 0xD236413ee5E9c1DBDdE2012595d4A3C38418C3bf

. .
Телефон: wandaTor@gmai1.homes
Контактная информация: WandaPewAR
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